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Rise Of The Tomb Raider cracked version released

Rise Of The Tomb Raider was one of the most difficult games for pirates, due to strong system protection (Denuvo). Denuvo's protection is so strong, that made more and more companies to embed it into their games and this helped PC games sales to raise. However, a pirate group named "CONSPIR4CY" seems to find a way to crack Denuvo and maybe in the future we can see more pirated games to be released.

CONSPIR4CY's version is not the only one. An earlier version of the game was released from Voksi, but it was fixed in an game update, so this version is not working any more. So, the latest pirated version from CONSPIR4CY (31GB - Rise.Of.The.Tomb.Raider-CONSPIR4CY) is a working release. This release doesn't require Steam for running and includes the latest patch and 3 DLC's:

- Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch
- Cold Darkness Awakened
- Endurance Mode

If you already played Voksi's release, you can tranfer it's saves to CPY's relese. In order to do this, go here:

Rise of the Tomb Raider\Steam\userdata\(steam-number)\391220\remote

Copy all the files and paste them here:



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