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Download NES and SMS emulators for PS4 (FW 4.55)

Although I thought that the PS4 scene is dead, it seems that I was wrong as is giving good signs of progress, and this time 2 new emulators for PS4 have been released, and they work in firmware 4.55.

The one is an emulator for the Nintendo NES console and the other is for the Sega Master System.

Surely if you are following the PS4 scene, you will be aware of the exploit that works in official FW 4.55 and that allows to load emulators and homebrew content. Some have managed to load emulators of NES and other classic consoles in PS4, but for the PS2 (emulators that were developed for PlayStation 2 and that are loaded in the PS2 via a PS2 image).

But this time the scene brings you 2 new emulators that are native to PS4; programmed specifically for the PlayStation 4.

The scener m0rph3us1987 is responsible for working the new PS4NES and PS4GearSystem emulators. PS4NES is an emulator of the Nintendo Entertainment System and PS4GearSystem emulates the Sega Master System console and the Sega Game Gear.

Watch the following video of these 2 emulators for PlayStation 4, in full action.

Download links

Visit this pastebin link, which contains 2 MEGA links to download the emulators for the PS4. Each emulator is installed through a PKG file, in a PS4 console with exploit or jailbreak in FW 4.55.


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